About Us
2x4 foundation supports all women nationwide, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation, by partnering with grassroots non-profits that provide them with essential services.
2x4 practices radical inclusivity, welcoming all women across a vast spectrum of identities and ideologies.
Women are the caretakers and peacemakers in our communities. Despite over 50% representation in our society, women are confronted by discrimination and inequality.
Uplifting women will positively affect their communities as well.
2x4 supports non-profits that provide essential services to women in the United States, including services related to women's health, education, and safety.
A woman struggling to meet her basic needs cannot reach her full potential.
2x4 seeks out grassroots non-profits working on the ground to uplift the lives of American women.
Historically, funding has skewed heavily towards the large nonprofits, but it’s at the grassroots level that sustainable, community-driven change begins.
2x4 acts as a connecting force in a fractured society.
Building bridges, sharing stories, and fostering community help to mitigate the polarizing attitudes dividing our country.
2x4 supports the women who commit their lives to benefiting their communities.
These strong, tireless, everyday heroes deserve our recognition, though they may never demand it.
2x4 supports non-profits that help women, who are then able to support others in their own communities.
Positive change ripples outwards, growing in power to affect many.
Our Mission
With a focus on health, safety and education, supports grassroots non-profits providing essential services that elevate the lives of all women and girls in this country.
Our Vision
The challenges facing women in the United States are staggering.
Given such obstacles and disparities, how can women be effective leaders and caretakers? At we believe that increasing access to essential services empowers women and improves the trajectory of their families and communities.
Why ? We monitor the increasing challenges women face in this country and champion the unsung heroes who address them. We focus on grassroots organizations that are non-policy and non-partisan putting all women and girls under one roof. We conduct dedicated research in identifying our non-profit partners, appraise their needs and provide funding to amplify their voices and expand their reach.
At our goal is to construct and support a network of community partners which will allow all women and girls the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
US Statistics
1 in 5
Nearly 1 in 5 women are victims of domestic abuse.
US Statistics
The US is ranked 46th worldwide in maternal morality.
US Statistics
Women are 2x as likely to suffer from depression than men.

The challenges facing women in the United States are staggering.
Given such obstacles and disparities, how can women be effective leaders and caretakers? At we believe that increasing access to essential services empowers women and improves the trajectory of their families and communities.
Why ? We monitor the increasing challenges women face in this country and champion the unsung heroes who address them. We focus on grassroots organizations that are non-policy and non-partisan putting all women and girls under one roof. We conduct dedicated research in identifying our non-profit partners, appraise their needs and provide funding to amplify their voices and expand their reach.
At our goal is to construct and support a network of community partners which will allow all women and girls the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
A is the essential building block of a home—a single piece of wood working tirelessly in tandem with others to form a stronger whole. What a
is to the home, women are to their communities, as leaders, caretakers and peacemakers.
Across America, women have established grassroots organizations that provide essential services to women. These non-profits are vital to our communities yet their work often goes unnoticed.
shines a light on and amplifies the voices of the true everyday heroes who are on the ground doing the work. To that end, we hope to create a haven for all women that will uplift our communities as a whole. At
, we will strengthen our nation piece by piece—to, by and for women.
The Team
Co-Founders Nikki Silver and Emily Won, joined by Jennifer Gardner Trulson and Amy Won, are donating their time and efforts to discover grassroots non-profit organizations and implement the vision of . Their combined careers in Media, Entertainment, Law, Education, and Charitable Foundations is
’s secret sauce.
The Volunteer Network
The team at has enlisted a nationwide network of colleagues, friends and family who want to engage in active philanthropy. This network will find and visit non-profits throughout the country, allowing for a greater reach.
Nikki Silver is an Emmy-award winning producer and Co-Founder of 2×4 foundation.
Nikki’s most recent films include “Monster,” based on the acclaimed novel, which aired on Netflix and the Sundance hit “Premature,” directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green. Previously, she produced “The Giver,” alongside Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges and “The Watsons Go To Birmingham” with longtime partner Tonya Lewis Lee.
Nikki began her career in children’s television producing the beloved “Reading Rainbow” for PBS. The series won 24 Emmys, including Best Children’s Series for five consecutive years. She has since produced scripted and documentary programming for a variety of networks including “Teenage Witness” for PBS, the American Master film “Jeff Bridges: The Dude Abides,” Showtime’s “What’s Going On?”, “Viacom’s Miracle’s Boys,” “The Zack Files,” “The Puzzle Place,” “Backyard Safari” and “Outward Bound”.
A born and raised New Yorker, Nikki and her husband Brad are active philanthropists. She currently sits on the Directors Council at Penn Live Arts and the Board of Elluminate, Brad on the Netter Center and Children’s Aid. But to date, her greatest accomplishment is her three boys Harrison, Jack and Justin.
Emily Won is a former partner at K&L Gates and Co-Founder of 2×4 foundation.
Emily practiced in the areas of litigation and environmental law. She managed complex cases before federal and state courts and represented clients’ interests before federal and state environmental agencies. She worked at K&L Gates as Associate and then Partner in the Environment, Land and Natural Resources Group and, before that, she was affiliated with Pitney Hardin LLP and Squire Patton Boggs LLP. She also had the honor to serve as Law Clerk to Chief Judge Patricia A. Gaughan, Northern District of Ohio.
Emily is active with alumni organizations of the University of Pennsylvania, serving as Vice President of Communications for the Class of ’89 and Co-Chair of Student Engagement for the James Brister Society. She also volunteers her time to support the one2one USA Foundation.
Emily graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989 and earned her JD from Georgetown University Law Center in 1992. She has two children and lives with her husband in New Jersey.